Bug Track System

published in Feb, 05, 2010

Ola my friends

Our Bug Track System is available:

Upper right corner of our EIAS3d Forum (Bug Tracker)

or using this link::

Create a detailed mini-description step by step. For example, "it happens when I clicked on..."

Unfortunately, not all bugs can be reproduced with sample projects. System crashes fall into this category. Please help us to detect and fix them. When you've got a crash under OS X you need to:

1) Find a crash report file created by OSX. It's here:

Macintosh HD - name of system volume
user - login name on your Mac

2) Log on to our FTP site:

User uploads via web browser are enabled.
An FTP client can also be used

User: UserFTP
Pass: EIAS

Go to the BUGS folder and to the appropriate sub-folder inside of it.

- Animator BUG Folder
- Camera BUG Folder
- Renderama BUG Folder
- Plug-ins BUG Folder
- Shaders BUG Folder

In the top tool bar, click "Browser Uploader" to upload your archive.

Although it will not produce immediate results, the posted reports will be considered and analyzed to fix nasty "mutable" bugs that live long from one EI version to another. We are especially interested in RamaSlave crashes. These require detailed
information about your computer types, network set up and the steps the led to the crash. ;-)

Thank you


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